Sparwood Council update

District of Sparwood Council update for February 2016.

  • Feb. 14, 2016 8:00 p.m.

Sparwood council met last week to discuss bylaws, budget and events that will affect Sparwood.

Some of the key bylaws that were discussed was an adoption of a bylaw that replaces the Land Use Application Procedures Bylaw to add clear application procedures for new Development Permit Areas and the bylaw has also reduced application fees while also providing discounted rates on combined or concurrent applications.

Another adopted bylaw is aimed to reduce red tape on specific permits and license applications. The council has delegated authority to the Manager of Planning to issue Development Permits and Sign Permits. The Director of Community and Facility Services has gained the authority to support or deny issuance of Special Occasion Liquor Licenses for events on and in public facilities or lands.

Council has drafted the Off-Street Parking and loading Bylaw. This bylaw draft is aimed to provide staff direction on any changes to the bylaw prior to public engagement and formal consideration of first reading.

Sparwood council decided to postpone the consultation on the draft Sign Bylaw until after the highway signage issues with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure have been resolved and Council has been provided with additional information comparing the existing and proposed bylaws with provincial best practices.


The Free Press