District of Sparwood Mayor Cal McDougall and Councillor Brad Bowen hold up a Ktunaxa Nation flag at the July 18 Council Meeting. The flag was gifted to the District and will be displayed at public events.

District of Sparwood Mayor Cal McDougall and Councillor Brad Bowen hold up a Ktunaxa Nation flag at the July 18 Council Meeting. The flag was gifted to the District and will be displayed at public events.

Sparwood Council update

The July 18 regular meeting of the District of Sparwood’s council had approximately 10 citizens in attendance.

  • Jul. 21, 2016 10:00 a.m.

The July 18 regular meeting of the District of Sparwood’s council had approximately 10 citizens in attendance.

The meeting consisted of three public hearings followed by staff reports. The first  public hearing was about the Sparwood Public Boat Launch. Both the Sparwood and District Fish and Wildlife, who were in opposition to the launch and the Sparwood and District Chamber of Commerce, who was in support of the launch addressed Council. The recommendation that was moved by councillors Halko and Jarina was to defer further consideration of the public boat launch until the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations has had an opportunity to address council.

Next was an opportunity for the public to speak on a zoning bylaw amendment for R-3, a high density residential zone in Sparwood. There were no submissions from the public, written or verbal. The recommendation moved by Councillors McKee and Jensen was for Council to give the third reading of the zoning bylaw and refer the bylaw to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval.

In the Petitions and Delegations section was a presentation from the Executive Director of the Elk River Alliance, Lee-Anne Walker who spoke to council about the Elk River Flood Strategy. The 20-minute presentation was concluded with three requests from Walker: to integrat the Flood Strategy into the official community plan (OCP); to appoint a staff member and an elected official to join the Elk River Flood Committee; and lastly, to financially invest in the strategy through a fee-for-service model. The recommendation by staff to council was to refer the requests and strategy to be integrated into the OCP and municipal budget; Mayor and Councillors carried the motion.

Staff Reports were primarily development variance permits, Council carried an authorization to notice owners of the Elk Valley Mobile Home Park that the Aug. 15 Regular Council Meeting will consider the permit variance. The Bylaw Enforcement Officer spoke to council on two unsightly properties.

The recommendation to council was to authorize entry to the properties, after giving further notice to landowners, and clean up the land at the expense of the property owners. The recommendation was carried for both addresses.

The next regular District of Sparwood Council Meeting is set for Aug. 15 at 7 p.m.

The Free Press