Sparwood has increased the level of their emergency operations centre from one to two. File Photo

Sparwood has increased the level of their emergency operations centre from one to two. File Photo

Sparwood emergency operations centre activates to level two

The centre was originally activated at level one on March 19, 2020 but has since been increased

  • Apr. 15, 2020 12:00 a.m.

On April 15, the District of Sparwood increased the level of their emergency operations centre (EOC) from a level one to a level two. According to the district, this will allow them to ensure a coordinated and collaborative response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The emergency operation centre was originally established at a level one on March 19 as a reaction to the pandemic.

“The decision to increase from a level one to a level two will provide the district with the opportunity to fill more roles within the EOC and ensure the team can be dedicated to current, mid range and long term planning aspects of the COVID-19 event,” said Sparwood mayor David Wilks. “It has been important to us since the launch of the EOC that wherever we can be, we are proactive rather than reactive. Increasing the EOC to a level two is part of that process and will continue to allow us to support our community and work collaboratively with agencies locally, regionally and provincially.”

The Sparwood EOC commends residents for complying with the various public health measures currently in place to help curb the spread of COVID-19. Every person has their part to play in keeping their community safe.

“We know this is difficult for everyone, especially as the weather gets nicer and spring is around the corner, but it is critical that we do all that we can to stop the spread of the virus,” said Michele Schalekamp, chief administrative officer and EOC director for the district. “We appreciate the commitment of residents and encourage everyone to continue to follow all guidelines, while being kind and looking after one another the way residents of Sparwood are known to do. Through the EOC, we will do our best to communicate, monitor and plan our response during this unprecedented event.” Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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