Sparwood gathered together for Community Information Night

The Community Information and Registration Night was a huge success in Sparwood.

The Community Information and Registration Night was a huge success.  With many tables, groups, vendors and attendees.

The Community Information and Registration Night was a huge success. With many tables, groups, vendors and attendees.

The house was full during Sparwood’s Community Information and Registration night with the curling rink packed with tables and residents. Almost all community groups were in attendance, sharing information and signing up people for classes, sports and more.

The Sparwood Futures Society table was involving the community by taking a vote on what their next project should be while The Sparwood Fire Department and Emergency Social Services group shared a table informing community members on a possible Junior Firefighters program and what Emergency Social Services does for a community in need. MP Dave Wilks was signing up youth for the bowling season, while Sparwood Skaters signed up for the next skating season with Mike Harrington. Several tables were set up to inform parents of daycare options, kids dance, breastfeeding support, as well as Cadets, Tae Kwon Do and teens raising money for a trip to Kenya.

Along with this event was the combined Sparwood Farmers Mini Market and award presentation for Joanne Wilton making the evening a busy and successful event. The Sparwood Community Information and  Registration Night helps Sparwood residents to get involved and active in the many events, classes, groups and events taking place throughout the year.

The Free Press