Kindergarten students from FJM decorate the trees outside Sparwood town hall to commemorate Have A Heart day last week. (Scott Tibballs / The Free Press)

Sparwood kindergarten students decorate town hall

Students from FJM made ice ornaments with wooden hearts in them to commemorate Have A Heart day

  • Feb. 18, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Kindergarten students from the Frank J. Mitchell Elementary School (FJM) in Sparwood brought some colour and love to the Sparwood town hall last week.

The young kids decorated two trees out the front of the town hall with hearts they painted and then froze in cups of water to make ice ornaments.

With the cold temperatures these last few days, the hearts will stay out there for quite a while!

They were commemorating 2021 Have A Heart day – a child and youth-led Canada-wide reconciliation event that brings together caring Canadians to help ensure First Nations children have the opportunity to grow up safely at home, get a good education, be healthy and be proud of who they are.

The 54 kids from FJM learned about the themes of Have A Heart day and made the hearts to commemorate the day.

“Ms. Jones, one of our amazing kindergarten teachers came up with the idea of making ice ornaments with a small wooden heart inside that the students decorated and would hang outside Sparwood City Hall,” said Jennifer Hutchinson, who is the Aboriginal education support worker at FJM.

“It was a way we could show our support locally.

“The students did an amazing job despite the cold weather and were happy to be outside.”

Hutchinson thanked the district of Sparwood for allowing their trees to be decorated by the young FJM students.

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Fernie Free Press


Kindergarten students from FJM decorate the trees outside Sparwood town hall to commemorate Have A Heart day last week. (Scott Tibballs / The Free Press)

Kindergarten students from FJM decorate the trees outside Sparwood town hall to commemorate Have A Heart day last week. (Scott Tibballs / The Free Press)

Kindergarten students from FJM decorate the trees outside Sparwood town hall to commemorate Have A Heart day last week. (Scott Tibballs / The Free Press)