Sparwood Legion Prepares For Spring Zone Convention

Six Legion branches will come to Sparwood for the annual Spring Zone Convention.

As part of the Legion's Spring Zone Convention, President Stan Kilford explains there will be a special ceremony honouring local veterans.

As part of the Legion's Spring Zone Convention, President Stan Kilford explains there will be a special ceremony honouring local veterans.

With some updates and a new fresh spring look the Sparwood Legion Branch 81, prepares for the Spring Zone Convention. “The clubhouse has some great new updates, thanks to the help of volunteers,” says President Stan Kilford. “We had our material donated, by Michelle Hattie from Crown Carpets and Alpine Lumber. It was really nice to get this done before the convention,” he says.


The Spring Zone Convention will see six  Legion Branches come to Sparwood to discuss Legion business, as well as have a special event to commemorate fallen comrades. “On May 5th, we, along with an officer in red surge,  will be marching from the Sparwood Chamber of Commerce to the cenotaph to honour our local comrades Harvey Fraser, Bruce Ramsey, Wayne Brown and Roger Hutton. “We invite the public to be at this event to pay their respects,”  says Kilford.  The march and presentation will take place at 11:30 a.m. at the Sparwood Cenotaph.


The Sparwood Legion reminds the public that you do not have to be a member to come in. Great events are held such as fun darts, Texas Hold’em poker as well as meat draws.

The Free Press