Sparwood takes on age-friendly initiative

The District of Sparwood is continuing an initiative to make the community more age-friendly and is asking for help from the residents.

  • Oct. 30, 2015 1:00 p.m.

The District of Sparwood is continuing an initiative to make the community more age-friendly and is asking for help from the residents. The District is urging residents to identify potential ideas and actions a better place to grow up and grow old in.

The Age Friendly Plan, created by the district, is a plan to make Sparwood a community where older people can age comfortably, with all the amenities close by and being able to participate fully in society.

“An age-friendly community not only improves the quality of life for seniors, it creates a more inclusive, safe and accessible community for everyone, including people with disabilities and families with young children,” said Sparwood Mayor Cal McDougall in a press release.

Until Nov. 20, the District will support community members who host a “Kitchen Table Party”, a gathering where people can meet to discuss the initiative and offer feedback. The District is offering a $30 reimbursement to anyone who hosts a discussion party.

“Although Sparwood currently has a younger than average population, our share of seniors is increasing and close to half of Teck’s workforce is eligible to retire in the next 10 years,” said McDougall. “So, the District is using grant funding from the Province and the Union of BC Municipalities to create a plan to support existing seniors, retain retiring workers and attract new residents who want to stay in the community throughout the different stages of their lives.”

Over the summer, the District reached out to residents to ask for their ideas on what an “age-friendly” community meant to them, and what to expect from future generations. A number of ideas where collected, such as housing, transportation, social activities and outside gathering places.


The project is part of the 2014-2018 Corporate Strategic Plan, and hopes to provide direction for future improvements for community projects.



The Free Press