Speaker’s efforts helped hatch bylaw

Doug Clarke will talk about Oak Bay's bylaw on raising chickens on Friday at the Monterey Centre

Doug Clarke holds one of his chickens in his backyard on Hampshire Road. Clarke has had chickens for about three years.

Doug Clarke holds one of his chickens in his backyard on Hampshire Road. Clarke has had chickens for about three years.

Chickens are on the agenda at Monterey this week.

Doug Clarke, who spearheaded bylaw changes to allow chickens in Oak Bay, will bring the bylaw and answer questions for potential poultry enthusiasts.

“I”m having a very informal discussion. I will present the bylaw so people understand it,” Clarke said. “I’m not bringing in chickens. I’m bringing in resources that were really helpful to me.”

Changes to the bylaws in 2013 means raising chickens is easier in Oak Bay after municipal council relaxed the rules on minimum setbacks and yard size. Poultry can be kept on all residential properties with the amount dictated by property size.

Clarke spearheaded the campaign to loosen those laws.

“I’m a parent with two kids and I just find it’s really important that people understand there’s other options for their yards and things like that.  I needed my family to think that food doesn’t just come from a grocery store… and it was just one little way to do it,” he said. “I’ve normalized chicken keeping and composting. So you trade your leftover food for eggs and compost.”

Clarke will talk chickens at Monterey Centre, Friday, Feb. 20 from 10:30 to noon. Call 250-370-7300 to pre-register.





Oak Bay News