The Now is proud to present a special issue dedicated solely to honouring our war heroes and their families

The Now is proud to present a special issue dedicated solely to honouring our war heroes and their families.

The Now is proud to present a special issue dedicated solely to honouring our war heroes and their families.

We chose a concise name for this week’s very special issue of the Now.


At this time of the year, we proudly honour our surviving war heroes and their families. We also remember our veterans lost to war – or to sickness or old age.

For most of us, this includes people of our own bloodline. How proud we are at this time of year to share photos of those in our own family who showed such bravery and honour on the front lines of war, far from the warmth and comfort of home, family and friends.

Although old photos of family members, like the ones gracing today’s front page, fill our hearts with pride, they can also bring sadness.

We miss them.

What we wouldn’t give to spend one more Remembrance Day with our fathers, husbands, grandfathers, uncles or brothers, to share one last pint with them at the local legion and hear their hearty laughter while telling old stories and catching up.

And let’s not forget about our mothers, wives, grandmothers, aunts or sisters. We have much to learn from their stories of sacrifice and bravery as well.

So it’s with pride – and sadness – that the Now remembers all of them by doing what we do best.

Telling their stories. (Scroll down for links to all the stories)

We are proud to present this week’s special 52-page issue, dedicated solely to honouring our heroes and their families. From front to back, we filled it with powerful stories of bravery, sacrifice and honour from all corners of our community.

You’ll read about Remembrance Day from a variety of perspectives and from people of all ages and backgrounds. You’ll also read very personal stories told by Now staff members themselves – including some emotional stories of love and sacrifice that have only recently come to light.

We hope you enjoy it. Please take the time to read these stories and share with your friends and families the ones that reach your heart.

This issue of the Now is a labour of love. We worked hard on it. For heroes like the ones above, it’s the least we could do.

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Beau Simpson, ‘Now’ Editor.

Surrey Now