Speed change raises concern

Coun. Mary-Jo O’Keefe is concerned about how some motorists are reacting to the speed limit on Okanagan Landing Road

Slower speeds on a major Vernon route have led to a growing case of road rage.

Coun. Mary-Jo O’Keefe is concerned about how some motorists are reacting to the speed limit switching from 50 to 30 kilometres an hour on Okanagan Landing Road, by Ellison Elementary School.

“People are getting very angry at each other and it creates a safety issue,” she said.

While there are school zone signs up, O’Keefe is suggesting that information be posted that indicates when the slower speed is in effect and when the higher speed is allowed.

“People don’t know why you are slowing down. They run up behind you and lay on the horn,” she said.

The issue will be reviewed by city staff.

City shows true grit

Vernon pedestrians may have a chance to improve their traction during the winter.

City staff will investigate the feasibility of a pilot project where boxes containing winter grit, such as sand, are installed in high pedestrian areas, close to steep hills and in locations with a lot of senior citizens.


“In communities where it’s been used, it’s very effective,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham.



Vernon Morning Star