After years of planning, the future of a proposed recreational amenity is in the hands of voters.
The first advance poll for the community sports field and athletics facility borrowing referendum is Wednesday.
“We’re ready to roll,” said Jeanne Byron, chief election officer.
Residents will be asked if they authorize the borrowing of up to $7.5 million over 20 years to construct a sports complex at Okanagan College.
Wednesday’s advance poll will run from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Schubert Centre, the Coldstream municipal office and the Regional District of North Okanagan office.
There will also be an advance poll at those same locations April 3 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
General referendum day is April 6 and the polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Priest Valley Gym, Coldstream Elementary, BX Elementary and Ellison Elementary.
Residents can vote at any of the locations.
To cast a ballot, resident electors will be required to produce two pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) that prove residency and identity.
Non-resident property electors must produce two pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). They must prove they are entitled to register in relation to the property and, if applicable, provide written consent from the majority of the property owners. There is no corporate vote under provincial legislation.
To vote, you must be 18 years or older, a Canadian citizen, a B.C. resident for at least six months and a resident of Greater Vernon for at least 30 days.
Information on the referendum can be obtained at
Prior to Wednesday’s advance poll and general referendum day, polling clerks have undergone extensive training.
“Our teams are in place and ready to go,” said Byron.
The steering committee promoting the referendum will hold a public information session at Okanagan College Wednesday from 5:30 to 7 p.m.