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Spots still available at COVID-19 vaccine clinic in Hope tomorrow

Book online or over the phone

  • Mar. 31, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The April 8 COVID-19 vaccine clinic in Hope still has spots available.

Fraser Health recently announced the Hope Royal Canadian Legion will host a vaccine clinic on April 8 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The clinic is open to Hope residents aged 71 and older. Indigenous people aged 18 and older may also book a vaccine.

Fraser Health requires those who book appointments to bring their personal health number and photo ID if possible. Masks are required, and those who feel sick, have been asked to self-isolate or have tested positive for COVID-19 should not attend.

RELATED: Shorter hours for online COVID vaccine booking as Fraser Health moves to provincial system

Residents may book two ways:

By phone: by calling 1-855-755-2455

Online: At

RELATED: Vaccine booking in Hope has begun

The Hope Legion hall is located at 344 Fort Street. It is the third location within Hope that has hosted COVID-19 vaccine clinics, the other two being the Hope Public Health Office at 444 Park Street and Hope COVID-19 Testing and Immunization Centre at Fraser Canyon Hospital.

Boston Bar and North Bend residents aged 18 and older had the opportunity to be vaccinated on March 20 as part of the province’s plan to aid remote and rural communities throughout B.C.

As of March 30, Fraser Health has booked more than 222,000 immunization appointments.

For more information about COVID-19, visit

– With files from Jenna Hauck

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Hope Standard