Spring pothole patrol begins

Town crews out in full force, filling spring potholes

The Town of Smithers’ pothole patrol has started.

According to long-range forecasts, warmer temperatures are coming to the Bulkley Valley and

already snow has been melting quickly, exposing some large holes in Smithers’ streets.

Wilf Taekema, director of works and operations said town crews starting earlier this month patching potholes in streets that are clear of snow.

“Warm temperatures during the day and cold temperatures at night makes the road kind of like popcorn,” Taekema said.

“We’ll get out there whenever we can. If you don’t get to them right away, they get bigger as people hit them and of course people aren’t happy when they’re driving over potholes.”

Last year, the Town of Smithers purchased 100 metric tonnes of pothole mix.

Taekema said town staff has a pretty good handle on where potholes are appearing and try to deal with the main roads first.

“We’re around town all the time so we see them and we do get calls from the public,” said Taekema. “In terms of prioritizing, we do the main routes, the main collector routes, first as much as we can.

“We’re out there, we see them.”

Improving Smithers’ roads has been a priority for this town council. In addition to their pothole program, the road capital budget was increased by 20 per cent to deal with deteriorating streets.

Residents can call the Town of Smithers Public Works Yard at 250-847-1649 if they have concerns about potholes.

Taekema urges drivers to be cautious and also to be mindful of the Town of Smithers staff who are out on the roads filling potholes.

“Drive to the conditions and be aware that this time of year, there are going to be potholes,” he said. “Drive carefully.”


Smithers Interior News