Gender neutral bathroom sign at SRT.

Gender neutral bathroom sign at SRT.

SRT has world’s most famous washroom

Gender neutral sign draws attention online.

It’s an art project that draws smiles.

The art students at Samuel Robertson Technical took the approach to “not make it a big deal” when they put a sign on the door for the school’s new gender neutral washroom.

Despite their intentions, it became an internet sensation.

The sign that says “Whatever – Just Wash Your Hands,” depicting a person wearing both pants and a dress. It has been picked up by the Toronto Star, TV New Zealand and at all points in between.

“This hilarious gender-neutral bathroom sign puts hygiene first,” says PinkNews, and there are similar headlines across the web.

“It’s pretty been neat – it’s gone viral,” said art teacher Joe Pasqualotto.

And it was unexpected.

His art students display their talents on doors throughout the school, with a giant baby’s head on the art room double doors as arguably the masterpiece.

The school has always had an active gay-straight alliance, and it has had a positive effect on the school culture, said Pasqualotto.

A gender neutral washroom was simply not a big deal, and for that door, they decided to keep it simple. He had seen similar symbols to the one they chose online.

“For us, it wasn’t really something that important.”

But he said the students are enjoying the attention their school is getting.

“They’re really getting a kick out of this whole thing,” said Pasqualotto.

He said it also demonstrates the power of bringing art out of the classroom.

Acting administrator Jen Boone said the reaction on social media has mostly been positive, which is fitting for School District No. 42’s effort to create gender neutral washrooms that anyone can access and feel comfortable in.

She said the students love the sign, and the attention it’s getting.

“That’s where we are in today’s world. It’s about taking care of people …”

Said Pasqualotto: “We’ve got the world’s most famous gender neutral bathroom.”


Maple Ridge News