To mark World Food Day Wednesday, Oct. 16, students, staff and parents from St. Joseph’s School in Chemainus held a food walk through the community. The World Food Day walk is an initiative of the Island Catholic Schools and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to raise awareness of hunger issues around the globe and within the community. Leading up to the walk, students at St. Joseph’s collected about 25 bags of groceries for the food bank. “Our purpose in going downtown is to walk as a community and show the community we care,” said principal Bern Muller. “The initiative is promoting an awareness, not only for our students that others are in need and we need to share with them, but also with the community that this is an issue. I told the children they are empowered — they are actively doing something. This is a way everyone can be empowered without everyone bringing a loonie.”

To mark World Food Day Wednesday, Oct. 16, students, staff and parents from St. Joseph’s School in Chemainus held a food walk through the community. The World Food Day walk is an initiative of the Island Catholic Schools and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to raise awareness of hunger issues around the globe and within the community. Leading up to the walk, students at St. Joseph’s collected about 25 bags of groceries for the food bank. “Our purpose in going downtown is to walk as a community and show the community we care,” said principal Bern Muller. “The initiative is promoting an awareness, not only for our students that others are in need and we need to share with them, but also with the community that this is an issue. I told the children they are empowered — they are actively doing something. This is a way everyone can be empowered without everyone bringing a loonie.”

St. Joseph’s students walk to mark World Food Day

On Oct. 16, students, staff and parents at St. Joseph's School in Chemainus walked to raise awareness of hunger issues.

Ladysmith Chronicle