There are more administrative changes occurring at the Vernon fire hall.

There are more administrative changes occurring at the Vernon fire hall.

Staff keeps evolving at Vernon fire hall

Jack Blair is departing while Wayne Price, Cranbrook's fire chief, will help out in Vernon

There are more changes behind the scenes at Vernon’s fire hall.

Wayne Price, the current Cranbrook fire chief, has been hired to perform some duties at the Vernon Fire Department while deputy fire chief Jack Blair is leaving  March 31 to pursue other opportunities.

These latest moves come after David Lind, a former deputy fire chief in Cranbrook and Medicine Hat, was hired in November as Vernon’s interim chief. Fire chief Keith Green has been on leave since the end of September.

Also in November, deputy fire chief Lawrie Skolrood retired, while Helen Sinclair, with emergency social services, has left Vernon for family reasons.

“There isn’t a huge overhaul in the fire department,” said Mayor Akbal Mund.

It’s not known when Green will return, but once he does, Lind will shift into becoming a deputy fire chief.

With Blair’s pending departure, hiring will begin for the second deputy chief’s position.

“We want to get recruitment out of the gate,” said Will Pearce, chief administrative officer, adding that it could take three months to get someone new.

Blair has been with the department since 2011.

“Jack’s had done a lot of great work. He was instrumental in the fire training centre and also instrumental in the building of the (Predator Ridge) hall,” said Lind.

Price will continue to be active in Cranbrook but will be in Vernon one week a month to help Lind with the transition.

“We have vacancies and with his background, it will be easy for him to come in and do projects and then go back home. He worked with David before,” said Pearce.


Vernon Morning Star