Stanley Humphries school graduates donate $7,500 to various organizations

Doukhobor Discovery Centre and food bank are some of the recipients

  • Jul. 8, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Graduates at Stanley Humphries Secondary School in Castlegar are giving back to the community during the difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

By holding fundraising initiatives throughout the year, the graduates at the school have been able to donate $7,500 to various organizations in the city.

One of the biggest donation recipients was the Doukhobour Discovery Centre (DDC), which received $3,000 to help make an archival project a reality.

“The money will help us with our Doukhobor Archives and Research Centre. The project involves renovating our existing buildings to accommodate the onslaught of archives that are coming here,” said Kootenay Doukhobor Historical Society president Gordon Soukoreff.

Soukoreff said the centre will help to accommodate an additional 1000 items at the DDC.

Castlegar resident Carolyn Babakaiff said DDC staff pulled through for the students by letting them host their graduation celebrations at the facility.

Castlegar Community Harvest Food Bank received $3,000, which will help to provide lunches and food hampers for low-income people accessing its services.

“This was such a wonderful surprise and what’s even better is that it came from the kids. The kids are sort of getting ripped off from all the good stuff during the pandemic and they found it within themselves to reach out and help people out,” said food bank coordinator Deb McIntosh.

The final recipient of the funding was the Castlegar and District Community Services Society, which received $1,500 to help with youth programming.

READ MORE: Laura Verigin, prominent Doukhobor, passes away in Trail

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Castlegar News