The Elk River is now open to fly fishing for the summer season.

The Elk River is now open to fly fishing for the summer season.

Start of fly fishing season on the Elk River

On June 15, the fishing ban lifted on remaining Elk Valley waterways.

  • Jun. 16, 2016 5:00 p.m.

On June 15, the fishing ban lifted on remaining Elk Valley waterways. From Apr. 1 to June 15 the yearly fishing ban was in effect to reduce the stress on the spawning West Slope Cutthroat Trout. As rivers open like the Elk, fishers should expect to see hatches of Golden Stones, Green Drakes and Pale Morning Dun’s.

Fernie-based Conservation Officer, Frank DeBoon was happy to tell The Free Press that there were no tickets issued during the river fishing ban as of June 14.

“From April 1 to now has been really quiet. People have been respecting the river and not fishing it so we have not had any reports of people fishing the river at this time. Most years we get a few calls for poaching fishers,” he said.

Although the rivers are open, DeBoon wants to remind people to make sure that they are fishing legally, abiding by the laws and regulations.

“Make sure that you are aware of the regulations and synopsis,” he said. “If you are going out fishing make sure that you are doing everything right, a single barbless hook, there is also a bait ban at this time of year, and if there are any fishing violations turn them into the RAP line, 1-877-952-7277.”


The Free Press