Statutory release date denied

Repeat sex offender, Randall Hopley will remain in jail past his statutory release date that was scheduled for March 19, 2017.

After recent review, convicted child kidnapper and repeat sex offender, Randall Hopley will remain in jail past his statutory release date that was scheduled for March 19, 2017.

Statutory release occurs at the two-thirds point in a sentence, and it is at this point that the vast majority of offenders are released to serve the remainder of their sentence under supervision in the community.

According to the Parole Board of Canada, it is relatively rare for an offender to be detained past his statutory release date. Approximately three to four per cent of all offenders serving sentences of a fixed duration are detained in this way.

Hopley is currently serving four years, 11 months and 14 days for Abduction of a Person under the age of 14, Break and Enter with Intent, Break and Enter and Commit and Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5000.

On the night of September 6/7, 2011, Hopley broke into the home of a three-year-old boy, and abducted the sleeping child from his bed. He then took the child across the Alberta border and kept him in a secluded location at a bible camp for four days until returning him to his family home during the night. Both the child and his family were deemed to have incurred serious harm based on emotional and psychological distress.

At the time there was speculation by locals, who were concerned the police ‘jumped the gun’ by hauling Hopley away so quickly, without exploring other options or suspects. Even the victim’s father felt sorry for the man, who thought Hopley might not get the treatment he needs, while incarcerated.

During a detention review last November, it was noted, Randall Hopley showed no remorse for his actions.

“You lack insight into your criminal offending and your risk factors,” read the detention order by the Parole Board of Canada on November 21, 2016. “You have been diagnosed as a paedophile with no mental illness or medical issues.”

“You continue to blame others for your offending and have not accepted responsibility for you behaviour,” it later read. “You are assessed as high risk for sexual recidivism.”

Hopley’s criminal background began in 1985, and included sexual offending against children, abduction, assault and property offences. In 1985 he was convicted of Sexual Assault against a five-year-old boy and was sentenced to two years, three months probation. In 1998, Hopley was charged with Invitation to Sexual Touching against a victim he was babysitting. This charge resulted in a stay of proceedings. In 2007, Hopley attempted to abduct a 10-year-old special needs boy from his home. He fled after the victim screamed. In 2008, Hopley was convicted of assault against an adult female.

“Given the above circumstances and considering your history of sexual violence against children, the Board is satisfied that, if released, you are likely to commit an offence causing serious harm to another person prior to your warrant expiry date. Accordingly, your detention is ordered,” read the detention order of November 21, 2016.

Hopley’s detention order will be reviewed next year in either January or February of 2018. At that time, the Board will either confirm the detention order, which will keep him in prison until the end of his sentence, or if sufficient evidence comes in between now and then, the Board may cancel the detention order and release him on statutory release.

Hopley’s prison portion of his sentence ends on November 12, 2018. It is at this point that his Long Term Supervision Order (LTSO) of ten years, begins. If a breach of conditions, imposed on his LTSO, is committed, a conviction of up to two years imprisonment could occur.


The Free Press