Still no answers for mom mourning loss of baby daughter

Alexcia McKamey of Abbotsford died under suspicious circumstances a year ago in Chilliwack

Jacqueline McKamey is pictured with daughter Alexcia last summer.

Jacqueline McKamey is pictured with daughter Alexcia last summer.

On Sept. 20 of last year, 14-month-old Alexcia Myanna McKamey of Abbotsford lost her life under suspicious circumstances, leaving behind a grief-stricken family wanting some answers.

One year later, they still do not have them, and mom Jacqueline McKamey of Abbotsford says they are tired of waiting.

“I just need closure, and to move forward and have answers. If somebody harmed her (Alexcia), they need to go to jail,” she says.

Alexcia’s death is the subject of an ongoing investigation by the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT).

RCMP were called to a house on Mullins Road in Chilliwack at about 10 p.m. on Sept. 20, 2013, when Alexica appeared to be in medical distress.

She was taken to hospital, where attempts to revive her were unsuccessful. IHIT took over the file when the death was considered to involve foul play, and an autopsy was to be conducted.

The results of the autopsy have not been released publicly or even privately to Alexcia’s family, despite their ongoing pleas for the results.

Jacqueline said the family has been told they will receive those answers once the matter proceeds through the Crown counsel’s office.

Police forward their files to the Crown for consideration and approval of any charges to be laid in criminal matters.

But Jacqueline, who is now four months’ pregnant with her second child, said the family was hoping to have those answers months ago, and she feels like they are being strung along.

“It makes me feel untrusting of the police and of the whole investigation and of them doing their jobs,” she said.

Staff Sgt. Jennifer Pound of IHIT said she understands the frustrations from families of victims in such instances and “how time feels like stands still when you’re waiting for answers.”

“The reality is that these types of investigations are complex and take time,” she said, adding that, at this time, the evidence does not support a homicide charge.

She said if the status of the investigation changes, the family will be the first to be notified.

A man was arrested in connection with the incident shortly after it happened but he was released without charges. Messages posted on social media at the time indicated that Alexcia’s father – Jacqueline’s ex – was the man arrested, but police have never confirmed that.

Police at the time said the residents of the Chilliwack home where Alexcia was in medical distress were not involved in her death.

Not long after Alexcia’s death, Jacqueline set up a roadside memorial in Abbotsford – on Elmwood Drive near Discovery Trail – in order to help her grieve.

The memorial grew with messages and gifts from family, friends and strangers to honour the little girl who Jacqueline said was always happy and loved life.

Many people left sunglasses at the memorial in tribute to one of Alexcia’s favourite things.

“She would take the sunglasses off your face even if she was wearing her own,” Jacqueline says, laughing.

The memorial was set up on private property, and the owners asked Jacqueline to take it down a few months ago. It is now located in Mission – at Dewdney Trunk Road and Cedar Street – because Jacqueline was born and raised in the community.

Mission will also be the location this Saturday, Sept. 20 for what Jacqueline is calling Alexcia’s “angelversary” – one year since her death.

The event will celebrate Alexcia’s short life with a potluck barbecue and a balloon release. It starts at 1 p.m. at Heritage Park in Mission, and everyone is welcome.

Then, a rally is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 22 outside the Abbotsford courthouse at 32203 South Fraser Way, starting at 1 p.m., to pressure authorities to speed up the matter, Jacqueline said.

“An innocent child should be a top priority,” she said.




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