B.C. Liberal Party leadership candidates Dianne Watts, Mike de Jong, Sam Sullivan, Todd Stone, Michael Lee and Andrew Wilkinson attended a debate Sunday at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo. (GREG SAKAKI/The News Bulletin)

B.C. Liberal Party leadership candidates Dianne Watts, Mike de Jong, Sam Sullivan, Todd Stone, Michael Lee and Andrew Wilkinson attended a debate Sunday at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo. (GREG SAKAKI/The News Bulletin)

Stilwell supporting Wilkinson to lead B.C. Liberals

Michelle Stilwell, Parksville-Qualicum MLA, is endorsing Andrew Wilkinson for party leader

While the B.C. Liberals’ leadership debate Sunday in Nanaimo may have helped some party members make up their minds, the Island’s only Liberal MLA already knows whom she’s supporting.

Michelle Stilwell, Parksville-Qualicum MLA, is endorsing Andrew Wilkinson for party leader. She said he’s got the right experience.

“He brings a wealth of intelligence and knowledge from his past experience and as a leader, having worked with him behind the scenes, I have the most confidence in him,” she said.

Stilwell thought Wilkinson performed well in Sunday’s debate.

“Andrew comes across as very articulate – it is that experience and knowledge base that he has, the intellect that he brings forward, [and] that vision for British Columbia.”

Stilwell said the debate being held in Nanaimo gave party members a chance to be engaged in the process and also led to debate on topics of interest to Vancouver Island.


Nanaimo News Bulletin