Stolen ring is a family heirloom

Langley family devastated after losing irreplaceable jewelry in home burglary

Michelle Sweet’s wedding ring, which had belonged to her husband’s mother, was stolen during a break-in that occurred at the family’s home between July 6 and 8.

Michelle Sweet’s wedding ring, which had belonged to her husband’s mother, was stolen during a break-in that occurred at the family’s home between July 6 and 8.

It’s the worst feeling to come back from a fun family weekend away to a home that has been ransacked by robbers.

That’s exactly what happened to Michelle Sweet and her family last weekend, and now she is desperate to get her wedding ring back, for its sentimental value.

“My husband is just devastated. That was his mom’s wedding ring that he gave me. She passed away in 1989 so this ring has so much  meaning for us,” said Sweet. The ring is more than 45 years old.

The Sweets left for camping and fishing on Friday, July 6 and returned on Sunday to find the upstairs of their Walnut Grove home in chaos, with every drawer pulled out and dumped, clothing and jewelry boxes strewn all over the floor. Even the bathroom drawers were emptied of their contents.

The thieves went through to the backyard and smashed their son’s window to gain entry.

“Now my son is just terrified,” said Sweet.

The Sweets just moved into their home in the 21300 block of 91B Avenue. They asked the neighbours if they had seen anything, but they didn’t.

Curiously, the thieves didn’t touch the electronics, except for a brand new laptop that was upstairs. The Sweets just moved in and hadn’t got around to getting insurance yet.

But the main concern is getting that wedding ring back. The rest of the jewelry and other items stolen they don’t need back.

“I’m just hoping someone has a conscience and returns it, or finds a way so it can get back to us,” she said.

Langley RCMP arrived and did manage to get some fingerprints, she said.

Sweet said the officers that she dealt with “were the best officers,” even letting her children look inside the patrol car and hear the sirens to cheer them up after the scary experience.

If you have any information about this break-in or this ring, call Langley RCMP at 604-532-3200.

Langley Times