Stone’s Pub hoping to extend hours

Stone’s Pub has applied for a change in their hours of operation to extend their weekend hours until 2 a.m..

Stone’s Pub has applied to the Liquor Control and Licencing Branch (LCLB) for a change in their hours of operation to extend their weekend hours until 2 a.m..

At a public meeting held before the Dec. 14 council meeting, no one attended to speak for or against the motion before council to provide a letter of their recommendation to the LCLB.

Council later voted unanimously to recommend the changes to the LCLB, and waved the council policy which would exclude Stone’s Pub from these hours.

The policy states liquor licences outside of the C-1 zoning, commercial core, which includes the downtown centre, are not eligible to be open past 1 a.m..

However, the policy is not binding, and the C-3, commercial rural zoning of Stone’s Pub was not considered an issue by mayor and council.

“The policy is considered a guideline,” said Kevin Crook, chief administrative officer for the district.

The final decision on the extension of hours is up to the LCLB.

Caledonia Courier