Storey’s tree-trimming scheduled

Risk trees in Storey's Beach will be falled after approval at a June 18 meeting

The District of Port Hardy will be proceeding with the falling of at risk trees in Storey’s Beach.

The work was approved at the Operational Services Committee meeting June 18.

Operations Manager Sean Mercer asked the committee for direction to proceed with the recommendations of the March, 2015, tree risk assessment report by Integra Forest Consulting Ltd.

Director of Financial Services Allison McCarrick told the committee the 2015 budget did not include the cost of tree risk assessment or a budget to do the recommended work.  However, McCarrick said, there is funding in the capital budget for a Storey’s Beach review, and depending on the cost, money to do the work. The committee approved obtaining costs for the work and proceeding with falling trees that pose an immediate risk and letting affected property owners know when the work will be done.


North Island Gazette