Storm relief demanded

Coldstream resident is still reeling from the most recent incident, June 29, and its disastrous aftermath.

Following ongoing destruction to his property, Mike Chapor can’t help but shudder at the site of a storm cloud.

The Coldstream resident is still reeling from the most recent incident, June 29, and its disastrous aftermath.

“We came home to absolute devastation,” said Chapor, who lives on Fitzmaurice Lane.

“Because there’s no storm water mitigation…the water coming down Kickwillie Road crashed over the curb and took out the corner and all its soil with it.”

Chapor is frustrated to see other projects, such as resurfacing tennis courts and referendums, taking priority over infrastructure works in the municipality.

“I can’t afford to repair the yard again,” he said. “Every time I see a storm cloud I get sick in my guts.”

Several other neighbours have also been affected and are demanding the district take action.

“I feel that there are more extreme weather occurrences in the future and am asking the district to please budget and deal with the deficiencies in this regard,” said Cynthia Myers in a letter to council.

Coldstream does have the area on its radar and has plans to include these storm water projects in the 2016 budget deliberations.

“We’re having staff looking at a design to cover that area,” said Mayor Jim Garlick.

Coun. Glen Taylor agrees that the issue needs to be looked at, but has reservations.

“That was a once in a 30-year storm and any kind of storm drainage you have is not going to be able to handle it.”

Chapor has also been told that this was a rare event.

“I’m told it’s one in 10 years but it seems to happen every three years,” said Chapor, who was told by neighbours after he purchased his property that it has flooded on numerous occasions.

Coun. Gyula Kiss confirms that.

“This area has been having problems now for a long time.”


Vernon Morning Star