Young readers around Houston and area were able last week to enjoy another story unfolding in a series of story boards at Steelhead Park courtesy of Houston Link to Learning and the Dze L’Kant Friendship Centre. Donna Franz with daughter Zoe, 10, check out one of the boards.

Story boards enjoyed …..

Young readers around Houston and area were able last week to enjoy another story unfolding in a series of story boards at Steelhead Park courtesy of Houston Link to Learning and the Dze L'Kant Friendship Centre. Donna Franz with daughter Zoe, 10, check out one of the boards. (Houston Today photo)

  • Apr. 14, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Young readers around Houston and area were able last week to enjoy another story unfolding in a series of story boards at Steelhead Park courtesy of Houston Link to Learning and the Dze L’Kant Friendship Centre. Donna Franz with daughter Zoe, 10, check out one of the boards. (Houston Today photo)

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