Stove exchange continues

Lake Country and North Westside Road residents can save some money and reduce air pollution.

Lake Country and North Westside Road residents can save some money and reduce air pollution.

The Great Okanagan Wood Stove Change-Out Program is one rebate available for residents of the Regional District Central Okanagan.

“Until the end of 2011, residents are eligible for $250 rebates for recycling their non-EPA certified wood stove and replacing it with a new cleaner technology electric, pellet, gas or wood stove or insert,” said Bruce Smith, RDCO communications co-ordinator.

“Since 2001, the exchange program has helped clean up our air by assisting more than 1,500 people in replacing their old smoky wood stove for a cleaner technology product.”

The federal ecoEnergy rebate program also offers rebates for woodstove exchanges and has been extended until March 31, 2012. Registered participants can qualify for a $375 rebate for replacing a wood burning appliance with an EPA certified wood burning appliance, pellet stove or masonry heater.

The provincial efficiency incentive program, LiveSmart B.C., has also been extended until March 31, 2013.

Registered participants can qualify for a $500 rebate for replacing an existing wood stove or gas fireplace with a pellet stove that meets or exceeds Washington State emission standards.

“To qualify for the federal or provincial rebate, you must have an energy audit completed by a certified energy advisor before starting any upgrades and again after completion,” said Smith.

A list of certified energy advisors can be found at or by calling 1-866-430-8765.

For more information on the regional district’s wood stove rebates, go to


Vernon Morning Star