Stranger comes to the aid of senior with dementia

Woman noticed an elderly woman, who was missing from her nursing home, stumbling around parking lot

  • Jan. 28, 2013 12:00 p.m.

Fraser Valley Search and Rescue swept into action in Walnut Grove on Sunday night, looking for a woman with dementia who went missing from a nearby seniors’ home.

An hour into the search, Langley RCMP were told that a citizen noticed the elderly woman stumbling around a parking lot earlier in the day and decided to help her.

The woman stayed with the disoriented senior and called for BC Ambulance to come get her.

She was taken to Langley Memorial Hospital and was subsequently reunited with her daughter, said police.

“All too often we hear of instances in which people have ignored others in need.

“Clearly this incident had the potential to lead to tragic consequences and we are very appreciative of the assistance provided,”  said Langley RCMP Supt. Derek Cook.

Langley Times