Sarah Atherton and her children Gavin, 6, and Emily, 4, have won the 2015 Street of the Year Award for their neighbourhood along 50A Avenue between 205A Street and 51A Avenue. The family will soon be celebrating with their neighbours at a block party, catered by Match Public House and Eatery.

Sarah Atherton and her children Gavin, 6, and Emily, 4, have won the 2015 Street of the Year Award for their neighbourhood along 50A Avenue between 205A Street and 51A Avenue. The family will soon be celebrating with their neighbours at a block party, catered by Match Public House and Eatery.

Street of the Year winners

For the residents of 50A Avenue, living on their street just became a little more special.

For the residents of 50A Avenue, living on their street just became a little more special.

This section of road near Al Anderson Memorial Pool has been named 2015 Street of the Year by the City of Langley.

Sarah Atherton and her neighbours who reside on 50A Avenue from 205A Street to 51A Avenue will not only get a new street sign announcing their win, but also a catered block party.

Being awarded this title only strengthens the feelings Atherton, her husband, Jeff, and two kids Gavin, 6, and Emily, 4 have felt since they moved into the neighbourhood three years ago.

“We love our community,” Atherton said.

“Since we’ve moved in we’ve made some great friends with a lot of the families on the street.

“It’s a really great place to live and a great place for kids to play.

“The kids all play together, the grown ups play together — we have a lot of fun.”

It’s also a very safe area, Atherton said. The kids are free to ride their bikes outside in the cul-de-sac area without the fear of cars roaring down the road.

“It’s a pretty quiet little neighbourhood,” Atherton said. “We feel really safe, everyone looks out for each other.”

The City hopes the Street of the Year contest will encourage community involvement and inspire residents to take pride in the beauty and care of their street and the community as a whole.

Mayor Ted Schaffer presented the certificate to Atherton’s neighbour, Brad Livingstone, and his young son, Callum, on July 27, during the last council meeting before summer break.

As the winner of the 2015 Street of the Year, Atherton and her neighbours will receive a new street sign with the street of the year designation.

In addition to the new street sign, the winning street will enjoy a block party with entertainment and games hosted by the recreation department including a barbecue sponsored and catered by Match Public House and Eatery.



Langley Times