Flush only the correct items, which is toilet paper only, to avoid causing stress on the City’s sewer system, the said in a reminder to all residents on March 18. Even if item are marked as ‘flushable’ they are not. (File Photo)

Flush only the correct items, which is toilet paper only, to avoid causing stress on the City’s sewer system, the said in a reminder to all residents on March 18. Even if item are marked as ‘flushable’ they are not. (File Photo)

Stress on City sewers can cause back ups

Toilet paper only to be flushed

  • Mar. 19, 2020 12:00 a.m.

There has been an increase in sewer maintenance calls on both sides of town so diligence with toilet flushing is requested by the City of Prince Rupert.

“Please be reminded that although many packaged cleaning wipes say ‘flushable’ on the packaging, they are not – and can lead to blockages in our sewer system, ” said the City of Prince Rupert in a press release on March 18.

“Given that there appear to be some limitations in local toilet paper stock, we would like to remind the community that wipes, paper towel, and Kleenex should be disposed of in the garbage, rather than down toilets”

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When sewer lines become clogged, it can cause back-ups of sewage in the sanitary system, the City said. This will potentially cause back flow and sewage into residences. It is critical to maintain clear sanitary and sewer lines for public health and safety. Sewage outflow pipes are connected to sink drains, dishwasher drains, washing machines, showers, tubs, floor drains and toilets. Significant damage to city infrastructure, private property and rental units can be caused if proper flushing protocol is not adhered to.

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The city wants to remind Prince Rupert residents the following items are not to be disposed of in your sanitary sewer:

“Fats, oils and grease (FOG), dental floss, food waste, hair, paper towels and rags, disposable cleaning products, ‘Q-tips’ and cotton balls, facial tissues, condoms, band-aids, disposable wipes/personal hygiene wipes, diapers, kitty litter, tampons, tampon applicators, sanitary napkins and liners, and especially hopes and dreams,” said the press release.


K-J Millar | Journalist 

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