THE CLINTON GRADUATING CLASS 2016: Ten students graduated from David Stoddart School last week. Pictured (l to r) are James Belin, Madelyn Johnston, Josh Kuzyk, Kailey Dube, Luke Painter, Jenny Caissie, Ross Painter, Emma Ive, and Russell Allison. In attendance for the grad ceremony but not in the photo by her request was Julia de Weerdt.

THE CLINTON GRADUATING CLASS 2016: Ten students graduated from David Stoddart School last week. Pictured (l to r) are James Belin, Madelyn Johnston, Josh Kuzyk, Kailey Dube, Luke Painter, Jenny Caissie, Ross Painter, Emma Ive, and Russell Allison. In attendance for the grad ceremony but not in the photo by her request was Julia de Weerdt.

Striking a Balance

Ten students graduated from David Stoddart School in Clinton last week, and are ready to start the next stage of their lives.

Public Knitters

Thirteen crafters attended the worldwide Knit in Public Day at the Clinton Museum on Saturday, June 18.

The ladies sat and chatted and knit, crocheted, or embroidered while visitors stopped to see what they were working on and ask questions about the event. Even the weather cooperated for this first-time endeavour in Clinton.

Robin Fennell expertly barbecued hot dogs, and they—along with iced tea and goodies—were a fund-raiser for the museum. The proceeds will go towards the construction of a shed to house some of the heritage equipment.

Grad 2016

The gymnasium was delightfully decorated in an old-fashioned western theme for the 2016 grad ceremony. Friends, family, residents, and well-wishers packed the venue to watch the 10 graduates receive their certificates. This year’s grads are Russell Allison, James Belin, Jenny Caissie, Julia de Weerdt, Kailey Dube Emma Ive, Madelyn Johnston, Josh Kuzyk, Luke Painter, and Ross Painter.

David Stoddart School principal Carol Pickering welcomed everyone and passed on words of wisdom to the grads, reciting the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling. Jackie Tegart, the MLA for Fraser-Nicola, spoke passionately to the grads, wishing them well in their future endeavours. Nancy Rempel, the School District No. 74 trustee for Clinton, also added her good wishes.

The grads had asked retired teacher Dodie Eyer to be the guest speaker. She shared stories of the students from their elementary school years, and presented each grad with a compass to help them stay the course in their future efforts.

The awarding of scholarships and bursaries followed, with Wayne Marchant representing the Clinton Community Forest. He explained how the Community Forest came to be, and how the Board of Directors had decided to give two $1,000 bursaries: one for academics and one for trades. The students had to apply and then go through an interview with the panel, answering questions put to them. Marchant explained that all four of the grads who applied did so well with the interviews that the panel decided to award four $500 bursaries instead. They went to Russell Allison, Emma Ive, Kailey Dube, and Madelyn Johnston.

The remainder of the scholarships and bursaries were handed out, and two young ladies were the recipients of most of them. In addition to the Community Forest Bursary, Madelyn Johnston received bursaries from the Clinton Auxiliary; the Clinton and District Outdoor Sportsmen’s Association; Royal Canadian Legion Branch #194; the Wyse family; Integris Credit Union; and C.U.P.E. Local 173. She also received the Peg Marriot scholarship.

Kailey Dube was awarded bursaries from West Fraser Mills; Royal Canadian Legion Branch #194; Gold Trail Teachers’ Association; Integris Credit Union; and the Clinton Community Twirlers.

Emma Ive received the School District No. 74 Indigenous scholarship and a Community Twirlers scholarship, while the Gold Trail Administration Association scholarship went to Josh Kuzyk. Russell Allison was the recipient of the Jimmy Bourgeois bursary.

Sandi Burrage announced a special presentation that was not on the program. Be she became the pre-school teacher, she had run a program called Mother Goose. Two of the grads had attended that program, so she presented Mother Goose books to Josh Kuzyk and Kailey Dube.

Congratulations to all the grads. May your dreams come true as you now make your way in the real world.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal