Mission firefighters are on scene at a structure fire in the industrial area of Beatty Drive, just off London Avenue. / Kevin Mills Photo

Structure fire in the industrial area of Beatty Drive in Mission

Mission firefighter, RCMP and ambulance services on scene

  • Jun. 23, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A structure fire on Beatty Drive kept firefighters busy last week.

On Wednesday (June 23) at about 5:40 p.m. a call came in about smoke rising from a two-story building located at 7610 Beatty Drive.

According to Assistant Fire Chief Ian Glasgow, fire crews arrived and saw heavy, black smoke coming out of the roll up doors in the front of the building and through a roof vent.

They quickly went to work to control the blaze.

“It was a defensive fire attack, so we didn’t go inside,” explained Glasgow.

Crews gained access through a door at the front of the building and a hole was cut in the roll up door so firefighters could initiate the fire attack.

“A ladder truck was used to flow water into the building through the roof.”

The building contained a licensed grow operation.

Nobody was injured by the fire.

Glasgow said a safety assessment of the building was conducted and the building was considered insecure above the area of the fire’s origin.

“It was not safe to conduct an investigation,” he said.

The cause of the fire is undetermined at this time but Glasgow said judging from what they did see inside, it’s possible that the blaze was electrically caused.

Mission City Record