Student reporting open for opinions

Education Minister Mike Bernier seeks input on the new curriculum

A mother who lives at 93 Mile wants all local families with children in kindergarten to Grade 9 to be aware that the Ministry of Education is asking for their input.

Lori Dodds says today’s parents need to be proactive to have their voice heard in education.

“This is our time if we have concerns or questions, to bring them forward about the new curriculum.”

Parents better get involved now instead of complaining after it’s totally in place, she adds.

“I want more parents to be aware of it. There is a new curriculum in play, and they are asking us to submit our thoughts. We have an opportunity to do that, so please use it.”

In his message to Dodds and other parents on Oct. 4, Education Minister Mike Bernier asks parents to “share your opinions” as the ministry upgrades its reporting on K-9 students learning under the new curriculum.

Public meetings in 10 communities will be held over the coming months, he notes, and more information on these is listed online at

The closest one to the South Cariboo is scheduled to happen in Kamloops on Jan. 30, 2017 at a venue to be announced later.

People can also enter their thoughts online on the Your Kid’s Progress website dedicated to providing information on British Columbia’s new curriculum and getting feedback on how parents and guardians want to hear about their child’s progress at school.

“Reporting is all about keeping parents like you informed, and we want you to tell us how you want to be informed and keep track of your child’s progress,” Bernier states in his letter.

Once feedback is gathered, an updated plan will be shared in June, the minister states.

100 Mile House Free Press