Andrea Legg took time out of her busy touring career with Cavalia to talk with Trafalgar middle school students. Both her parents work in the school.

Andrea Legg took time out of her busy touring career with Cavalia to talk with Trafalgar middle school students. Both her parents work in the school.

Students hear about high flying career

Andrea Legg shared her high-flying experience of life touring with Cavalia

  • May. 1, 2014 11:00 a.m.

While in the Heritage City visiting her parents, one performance artist shared her high-flying experience of life touring with Cavalia.

Andrea Legg often spends her work day spinning 45 feet in the air from fabric attached to horses galloping around a ring. The acrobat and dancer is constantly on tour with Cavalia, the creation of Normand Latourelle one of the originators of Cirque du Soleil.

Often called equestrian ballet, Cavalia is a unique theatrical production under one Big Top that includes equestrian arts, acrobatics, music, multimedia and special effects.

Legg, 33-years-old, has been training for about 10 years for the performance that has taken her dancing ambitions to great heights.

“You fly pretty fast. When I first learned, I was pretty scared,” she told the students gathered to listen on their lunch break.

She moved to Montreal from Alberta when she was 21-years-old only able to speak English. After two years of absolute immersion, she was completely bilingual.

Physical training, eating right and taking care of herself are important considering her career is high performance. She often does eight shows a week.

“I have to be vigilant if I am going to ask my body to do what it does every day,” she said.

After Legg’s stay with parents Dave Legg and Val Holtz who both work at Trafalgar school, she returned to life on tour hitting Calgary and Edmonton and then heading to Mexico.

“It has been a really nice experience to perform in such a big show like this. It really is an honour,” said Legg.

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