Fisheries biologist David Clough teaches a student about marine survival during National Forest Week at McLean Mil.

Fisheries biologist David Clough teaches a student about marine survival during National Forest Week at McLean Mil.

Students learn about forests at McLean Mill

Close to 300 Alberni Valley students visited the historic site last week for National Forest Week.

From trees to fish to helicopters, there was plenty for kids to see at National Forest Week at McLean Mill last week.

The largest group of students—312—descended on the mill to take part in the event put on by Port Alberni’s Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources office in partnership with local environmental organizations and forestry companies.

The Gr. 4, 5 and 6 students learned about everything from firefighting to fish to marine invertebrates during the all-day event on Wednesday, Sept. 21.

In makes companies like TimberWest enthused for the future of forestry in the Alberni Valley.

“TimberWest has a certain amount of managed forest land in the Alberni Valley and we continue to harvest that at about one to two per cent a year,” said TimberWest Chief Forester Domenico Iannidinardo, noting that the rate is unlikely to change in the near future.

“Looking at the excitement here today and the reality that the resource does incredibly well in this part of the world… we’re very confident that forestry will increasingly be part of global solution for a sustainable society.”

Western Forest Products Chief Forester Shannon Janzen agreed.

“I started my career in Port Alberni 20 years ago and I think that Port Alberni has the opportunity to be a part of the forest sector 20 years, 40 years and 200 years from now,” said Janzen.

“Forestry is a renewable business and it’s a renewable resource. There’s going to be a long future for forestry.”


Alberni Valley News