Students and staff of Ecole Peter Greer Elementary at the new outdoor learning space in Clearwater Park. (Contributed)

Students and staff of Ecole Peter Greer Elementary at the new outdoor learning space in Clearwater Park. (Contributed)

Students, teachers loving outdoor classroom space in Lake Country

Ecole Peter Greer Elementary students and teachers enjoying new space at Clearwater Park

  • Oct. 31, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Can we have class outside?

It’s an age-old question that can now be answered in the affirmative at Ecole Peter Greer Elementary in Lake Country thanks to a new outdoor learning space at Clearwater Park.

The outdoor classroom was part of the Clearwater Park and trail project, a collaboration between the District of Lake Country, Walk Around Lake Country, Rotary Club of Lake Country and Ecole Peter Greer Elementary.

The project also included a trail connection from the Clearwater/Copper Hill neighbourhood to the Okanagan Rail Trail, as well as cleanup of barbwire fencing and debris from Clearwater Park.

“To build on the outdoor classroom design provided by the district for the park space, the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund (Wild Schools) helped with some of the knowledge-building in the space around local plants and animals,” said Clint Maltais, a teacher at Ecole Peter Greer Elementary.

Walk Around Lake Country volunteers have been working behind the scenes for the past 20 years on trails and outdoor projects in the Lake Country community.

“When we were checking on the remaining work to do at the park mid-October, there were teachers and students using the space already and everyone was very excited to be out there,” said volunteer Elisabeth Dahnert.

“One young boy showed us a painted rock placed alongside the trail, telling us to ‘read it.’ The inscription was: ‘You’re amazing!'”

Students of the school also contributed to the project by building bat and bee nesting houses and planted native species of shrubs for restoration.

READ MORE: Lake Country to open new off-leash dog park in November

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