For a second straight year, Trail Transit’s Stuff the Bus was a resounding success as the community rallied and donated enough food, clothing and winter boots to fill a city bus. All donations will go to Salvation Army Family Services as well as cash raised by barbecuing 100 burgers on site outside Ferraro Foods last weekend. (Front to back) Linda Radtke, Trail Salvation Army Manager, Major Ginny Kristensen, and Trevor Stach, Trail Transit’s general manager.

For a second straight year, Trail Transit’s Stuff the Bus was a resounding success as the community rallied and donated enough food, clothing and winter boots to fill a city bus. All donations will go to Salvation Army Family Services as well as cash raised by barbecuing 100 burgers on site outside Ferraro Foods last weekend. (Front to back) Linda Radtke, Trail Salvation Army Manager, Major Ginny Kristensen, and Trevor Stach, Trail Transit’s general manager.

Stuff the bus

For a second straight year, Trail Transit’s Stuff the Bus was a resounding success.

  • Nov. 27, 2015 12:00 p.m.

Trail Daily Times