Summerland is changing the terms of reference for its climate committee. (File photo)

Summerland changes terms of reference for climate committee

Members will serve for staggered two-year terms in the future

The municipality of Summerland has updated the terms of reference for the Community Climate Action Advisory Committee.

The changes affect the member terms on the committee and a statement on the role of committee members.

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For the next scheduled member appointment in April, roughly half the members will be appointed to one-year terms, with the rest appointed to two-year terms. After this, members will be appointed to two-year terms, resulting in staggered member appointments.

The terms have also been changed to state that committee members may assist with municipal-led climate action activities, as led by staff.

The committee will be made up of five citizen representatives, a council member and the municipality’s sustainability/alternative energy coordinator.

The committee’s mandate is to provide a local perspective and advice to council with respect to achieving community-wide greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.

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Summerland Review