Summerland council to consider OCP, zoning amendments

Summerland council to consider OCP, zoning amendments

Five applications, including medical marijuana grow operation, to come before council

Summerland’s developmental services department will process five applications for Official Community Plan and zoning bylaw amendments.

An introductory report on the five applications came before Summerland council at the regular council meeting of June 25.

Agricultural change

An application for 27410 Garnet Valley Rd., is to amend the Official Community Plan from Open to Agriculture and rezone from FG-Forest Grazing to A2-Agriculture Large Acreage.

The property is not within the Agricultural Land Reserve.

The property owners have sent a letter to the municipality, notifying that they are applying to Health Canada to become an approved licensed provider for cannabis or marijuana under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations.

If they do not receive the license to produce cannabis, they may try to farm the property for other agricultural products.

Fitness centre

An application for 9304 Jubilee Rd. E. is to rezone the property to allow the use of Recreational Service, Indoor as a site-specific use.

A fitness centre is located at the property. It has been authorized by a temporary use permit. The permit has expired and the property owners are applying to operate the gym on a permanent basis.

Equipment storage

An application for 15823 Logie Rd. would allow the use of Contractor Services, General as a site-specific use for the property.

The property is zoned M1-Light Industrial. The zoning allows for Contractor Services, Limited, which restricts outdoor storage.

A construction company is planning to open a business at the location and is seeking the Contractor Services, General use because heavy equipment and construction materials must be stored outside.

Brew pub permit

An application for 13220 Victoria Rd. N. would allow for a brew pub at the site. This use, if approved, would include brewing on the premises.

At present, the zoning bylaw does not have a brew pub category in place, but at the April 9 council meeting, staff presented a report introducing a proposed change to create a new category of brew pubs.

Four-storey building

A rezoning application for 12817 and 12801 Kelly Ave. is for a Comprehensive Development Zone to allow a four-storey mixed use building with 88 residential units and 390 square metres of commercial or retail space.

In March, the municipality entered into an agreement for the sale of the properties.

The rezoning proposal reflects what was proposed during the land sale process.

Summerland Review