Summerland developer asks for more units

Patrick Murphy says 67 units in Hunters Hill no longer feasible

Municipal council will consider whether to change the number of units allowed in the proposed Hunters Hill development.

Earlier, when the development proposal was approved, the limitation was for 67 lots on the 68-hectare parcel of land on Rattlesnake Mountain.

However, developer Patrick Murphy is now asking council to lift this restriction, as it is no longer feasible to keep the number of units at 67.

He said the restriction was set out when the Hunters Hill development was to have septic service.

Now, since the area is to be sewered, the costs have changed and more units will be needed to make this development feasible.

“We have spent three years trying to make it work,” he said of the 67-unit restriction.

“We have spent many, many dollars trying to make the development work.”

Information on the request to change the number of units came to council on Friday. Council members and municipal staff said this did not give them enough time to study the information.

“Staff hasn’t been able to do a thorough review,” said Linda Tynan, chief administrative officer for the municipality.

Coun. Doug Holmes said it is not fair to council to have the information come in on Friday and expect a decision on Monday.

Mayor Peter Waterman said the request requires a proper examination.

Coun. Erin Carlson moved to have the request referred back to municipal staff for a review and report.

“I don’t believe tonight is the right night to make a decision on this,” she said.

But Murphy said the request should be done quickly.

He said the 67-unit restriction was based on having septic tanks for the homes in the development.

“The restriction is no longer applicable to the Hunters Hill development. It’s out of date,” he said.

He added that his goal in creating the development is to bring more housing to the community.

Coun. Janet Peake said Summerland needs the housing units.

Coun. Richard Barkwill said the development is important to the community and to council.

The decision to refer the matter back to staff was carried, with Coun. Toni Boot opposed.

Summerland Review