The Summerland Food Bank and Resource Centre has received generous donations of food and cash during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Rene Cortin - Wikimedia commons)

The Summerland Food Bank and Resource Centre has received generous donations of food and cash during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Rene Cortin - Wikimedia commons)

Summerland food bank continues to receive donations

Need continues for protein sources and fresh produce

Despite an ongoing pandemic, the Summerland Food Bank and Resource Centre continues to receive donations of cash and food.

“We have such a generous community,” said Janet Peake, president of the food bank society.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in restrictions, layoffs and job losses over the past six months, Peake said donations are still coming in.

READ ALSO: Summerland Food Bank still operating during COVID-19

READ ALSO: Summerland Food Bank assisted 536 people over past 12 months

During the pandemic, the food bank has required additional space in the basement of the Summerland United Church, in order to comply with the physical distancing requirements.

At present, she said the greatest need is for sources of protein, such as tins of meat, cans of fish and beans. The protein sources are needed to provide a well-balanced diet for those receiving food donations.

Fresh produce is also a continuous need.

Donations may be brought to the food bank on any weekday morning. Monetary donations may be made in person or online at

In past years, the food bank has supplied food to more than 500 people in the community. In 2019, 536 people in Summerland, including 147 children, received food from the service at least once.

Peake believes five times as many people in Summerland could benefit from the service.

“Food banks are not a last resort,” she said. “We want make sure there is not a stigma of going to a food bank. It’s not a moral judgement.”

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