MLA Dan Albas and Summerland mayor Toni Boot try out some of the equipment at the Summerland Outdoor Fitness Park. (John Arendt - Summerland Review)

Summerland outdoor fitness park opened

Exercise equipment set up near playground in Memorial Park

The municipality of Summerland has set up an outdoor fitness area in Memorial Park.

The Summerland Outdoor Fitness Park, a 102-square-metre fitness circuit, is in the southwest corner of Memorial Park, adjacent to the playground. It was officially opened on June 30.

The location was chosen because of its proximity to the downtown and its accessibility.

This project aligns with one of council’s strategic priorities, active lifestyles.

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“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen how vital and valuable our park space and outdoor recreational facilities are,” said Summerland mayor Toni Boot. “This outdoor fitness park provides residents of Summerland with another option to access a free outdoor fitness amenity to support their personal health and wellness.”

She added that the outdoor facility is the beginning of a revitalized downtown in Summerland.

Coun. Tim Lezard of the Penticton Indian Band applauded the fitness park project.

“When you have places like this, you show your community you care,” he said.

The outdoor fitness equipment provides the community with an opportunity to utilize a free, accessible and age-friendly exercise circuit designed for people of all ability levels.

The total project budget for the new equipment was $30,000 and was funded through parks development cost charges.

Equipment was selected from a Canadian distributor, Great Outdoor Gym, for TriActive USA outdoor fitness equipment. The equipment pieces use no weights or hydraulics, rather gravity resistant machines are powered by users. The combination of eight multi-purpose pieces of fitness equipment provides options to improve strength, co-ordination, cardiovascular fitness and flexibility. Equipment includes the air walker, air strider, sit-up bench, sit-up board, parallel bars, multi bars, pull up and dip station.

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