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Summerland Reservoir snow level above normal

Measurement at Isintok Lake site is lower than historical average

The snowpack level at the Summerland Reservoir is well above normal levels, while the Isintok Lake measurement site is lower than average, according to the latest data from the municipality of Summerland.

The measurements at the two sites were taken Feb. 1.

READ ALSO: Snow levels above yearly average at Summerland sites

READ ALSO: Summerland snow pack levels above average

At Summerland Reservoir, the snow depth measured 870 millimetres, or the water equivalent of 211 millimetres. This is 124 per cent of the historical average of 170 millimetres of water equivalent at the site, measured over 58 years.

At Isintok Lake, the snow depth was 420 millimetres, or the water equivalent of 95 millimetres. This is 79 per cent of the historical average of 121 millimetres of water equivalent, measured over 56 years.

The Feb. 1 snow measurement at Isintok Lake was slightly lower than the Jan. 1 measurement of 430 millimetres.

A year ago, the snow measurements at both sites were higher than the historical averages.

Both measurement sites are located to the west of Summerland. The measurements are used by the municipality of Summerland’s water department.

Snow measurements are taken each month from Jan. 1 to May 1, and then twice a month until the snow pack is gone.

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Summerland Review