The Summerland municipal council meeting on July 13, 2020 will be held in the Summerland Arena Banquet Room. Summerland council has not determined if future meetings will be open to in-person public attendance. (John Arendt - Summerland Review)

The Summerland municipal council meeting on July 13, 2020 will be held in the Summerland Arena Banquet Room. Summerland council has not determined if future meetings will be open to in-person public attendance. (John Arendt - Summerland Review)

Summerland to allow in-person attendance at July 13 council meetings

Two meetings will be held at Summerland Arena Banquet Room to accommodate public

Summerland’s municipal council meetings will be open to the public to attend in person on Monday, July 13, but it is not yet known if future meetings will also be open in the same way.

The afternoon meeting on July 13 will deal with the Summerland solar project, a controversial topic in the community.

The meeting will be held in the Summerland Arena Banquet Room, 8820 Jubilee Rd. E.

READ ALSO: Summerland to hold meeting on solar project

READ ALSO: Summerland council to continue online meetings

“In compliance with provincial health orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic, those who wish to participate in-person will be limited to a maximum of 50 people within the meeting room, including council, staff, and members of the public,” said Anthony Haddad, chief administrative officer for Summerland.

The 50 people include the seven members of council as well as members of staff who are needed at this meeting.

Municipal staff will check all participants at the banquet room beginning at noon. All in-person participants will be asked for authorization to share their contact information with health authorities if needed.

The same protocols will be in place for the evening meeting at 6 p.m.

However, Summerland council has not yet determined whether in-person meetings open to the public will continue after July 13.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, public gatherings are limited to no more than 50 people and a two-metre physical distancing between those attending must be observed.

Council meetings have been held through video conferencing and can be viewed through the District of Summerland YouTube channel,

While Summerland council and the required staff members have been able to meet in the council chambers at municipal hall, the physical distancing requirements do not permit members of the public to attend.

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Summerland Review