Jan Papple is decked out with her sign during the Granny Rumble, a July 1 walk put on by the Friends of Sunnybrae to raise awareness about the lack of walking and biking trails in the area.

Jan Papple is decked out with her sign during the Granny Rumble, a July 1 walk put on by the Friends of Sunnybrae to raise awareness about the lack of walking and biking trails in the area.

Sunnybrae residents rally for walking and biking routes

The need for better walking and biking trails in Sunnybrae is a hot topic for a group of residents.

The need for better walking and biking trails in Sunnybrae is a hot topic for a group of residents.

The Friends of Sunnybrae, accompanied by other members of the community, rallied along Sunnybrae Road on July 1 to raise awareness of the need for safer walking trails.

The group, decked out with signs and balloons, walked from Sunnybrae Community Park to Sky Blue Waters in order to draw attention to their cause.

Sunnybrae resident Jan Papple said there are no sidewalks on the road and the shoulders are covered with poison ivy.

“It is treacherous to walk this road,” said Papple.

“We at Sunnybrae are very grateful for the work done and help received from the Columbia Shuswap Regional District and the Shuswap Trail Alliance.

“We want to acknowledge the substantial assistance received to date, but we have only just begun and need to be visible and vocal on all fronts so we are not overlooked when funding and aid is delegated.”

Papple said the walk was given the name the “Granny Rumble,” as most of those who participated were older and had been around for multiple generations.

“We have all been around long enough to see several generations raised in this area, without the fun of being able to ride bicycles or even walk to a destination,” said Papple. “We need roadside trails in Sunnybrae in the worst way.”



Salmon Arm Observer