Photo by Jayne D’Entremont.

Photo by Jayne D’Entremont.

Super Blood Wolf Moon was quite the show

It was a perfect night in the Lower North Thompson Valley to see the Super Blood Wolf Moon on Sunday, Jan. 20.

  • Jan. 23, 2019 12:00 a.m.

It was a perfect night in the Lower North Thompson Valley to see the Super Blood Wolf Moon on Sunday, Jan. 20.

The total lunar eclipse coincided with when the moon was at its closest distance to Earth, resulting in a moon that appears larger than usual, a Supermoon. During a total eclipse, the moon appears red, known as a Blood Moon. A Wolf Moon is a full moon that occurs in January.

Barriere area photographers had a great time photographing theis Super Blood Wolf Moon through all of its stages. Thanks to photographers Jayne D’Entremont and Kato Monteith for sharing their pictures with our readers.

Barriere Star Journal