Supermoon over Wells Gray Park

Within 20 minutes after taking the photo the sky was totally obscured by clouds

Fritz Schaer took this photo of a super moon on Monday evening.

Fritz Schaer took this photo of a super moon on Monday evening.

Upper Clearwater resident Fritz Schaer recorded this stunning image of a supermoon on Monday evening from his home near Wells Gray Park. Within 20 minutes after taking the photo the sky was totally obscured by clouds, he said.

According to Wikipedia, a supermoon occurs when a full moon or a new moon coincides with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth. The supermoon that occurred on Nov. 14, 2016, was the closest the Moon has been to Earth since Jan. 26, 1948. The next one like it will not be until Nov. 25, 2034.



Clearwater Times