The Regional District of North Okanagan has signed a memorandum of understanding to restructure parks services in Greater Vernon.

The Regional District of North Okanagan has signed a memorandum of understanding to restructure parks services in Greater Vernon.

Support increases for Greater Vernon parks agreement

RDNO joins Coldstream in ratifying pact. Vernon must still consider plan

Another jurisdiction has agreed to bring a Greater Vernon dispute to an end.

The Regional District of North Okanagan board unanimously ratified a memorandum of understanding Wednesday that will see the parks function in Greater Vernon restructured.

“This will be a durable agreement,” said Bob Fleming, BX-Swan Lake director.

“It meets all of the expectations of those involved.”

Earlier this week, Coldstream also ratified the plan which will see some parks remain regional in scope while others will revert to the individual jurisdictions for ownership and maintenance.

Vernon council will consider support for the agreement Dec. 10.

See more in Friday’s Morning Star.

Vernon Morning Star