Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy One-to-One Reading Program facilitator Lyssa Donovan (left) and CBAL adult literacy tutor Marly McAstocker collect donations at Grizzly Books on Mackenzie Avenue. The partnership with the Revelstoke Times Review collects donations for CBAL in exchange for a complimentary copy of today's newspaper.

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy One-to-One Reading Program facilitator Lyssa Donovan (left) and CBAL adult literacy tutor Marly McAstocker collect donations at Grizzly Books on Mackenzie Avenue. The partnership with the Revelstoke Times Review collects donations for CBAL in exchange for a complimentary copy of today's newspaper.

Support Revelstoke literacy programs today at Cooper’s and Grizzly Books

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy and Revelstoke Times Review partner for Reach a Reader program, collect donations today.

  • Oct. 9, 2013 5:00 p.m.

You can help support literacy programs in Revelstoke by making a donation today (Wednesday, Oct. 9) at Grizzly Books (until 4 p.m.) or Cooper’s Foods (until 6 p.m.). In exchange, receive a complimentary copy of today’s issue of the Revelstoke Times Review.

The donations support the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy. Learn more about their programs here:

Contributed by the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy

Black Press and the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy are collecting donations for the third Annual Reach a Reader! By making a donation to this campaign, you are supporting literacy programs in your community. Thank you for making the difference.

The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) is the Columbia Basin and Boundary region not-for-profit literacy organization. CBAL programs support seniors, adults, families, youth and children of all ages improve English, reading, writing, numeracy, computer and workplace skills.

Locally, family literacy programs aim to provide parents and caregivers with the skills needed to support their children’s literacy development. For example, the Parents as Literacy Supporters (PALS) program provides a parent/caregiver information sessions during the kindergarten school day. Parents meet to discuss children’s age appropriate learning. Next parents and children explore hands-on learning activities together. Adults then meet to discuss their observations and ask questions about children’s literacy and learning development. At the end of each session, families receive a take home kit to extend the learning at home. The PALS program is offered through a partnership with CBAL, Kindergarten teachers, and School District 19.  Each school has completed the Linking Literacy and Play session. Families will be participating in the ABCs and Learning session in November followed by Early Math and Learning to Read in the winter and spring.

CBAL offers a variety of family literacy programs and services that explore and support literacy development at different ages. Examples include Mother Goose, Story Adventure Kits, Parents of Primary Students (POPS), and Parent Reading Workshops.

In Revelstoke, Okanagan College offers a number of adult literacy programs that provide adult learners with the tools and skills needed to be successful in the modern world. In addition, CBAL offers a number of adult workshops and learning opportunities throughout the year including annual computer workshops for seniors.  This series has included Using Facebook, Using Gmail, Working with Photos, Shopping Online, Caring for your Computer and Troubleshooting. CBAL’s annual Clear Language Workshop explores the importance of using plain language and a variety of reading workshops provide tips, tools and strategies.


To entice you, here’s a list of the stories in today’s Revelstoke Times Review:

— Tourism stakeholders are planning an overhaul of tourist signage on the highway and in downtown Revelstoke. By Aaron Orlando

— Will a social media-driven air service take off at the Revelstoke Airport? By Aaron Orlando

— The community gathered to honour volunteers with Spirit of Revelstoke Awards. Learn about who was honoured. By Aaron Orlando

— A man was sentenced for a 2010 violent assault. Did the court overlook facts relating to a previous homicide incident cited as a contributing factor in the assault? By Alex Cooper

— The RCMP conducted a late-night raid on a crack shack, arresting four. They feel high-level players escaped arrest, but vow to keep dealers out of the Wilson Street location. By Aaron Orlando

— The Revelstoke Resort Shuttle needs a new route after engineering concerns mean Victoria Road is no longer doable. But where will it go? By Aaron Orlando

— In an opinion piece, a letter writer argues that the Roxy shouldn’t be the only venue for film in town.

— Hotel revenues up by 33 per cent since 2008, finds a new report by the city’s economic development department. By Aaron Orlando

— A tragic end to a search for a mushroom picker lost in the Fosthall area.

— MLA Norm Macdonald weighs in on rural healthcare in his opinion column.

— Sam Weber plays Revelstoke. Learn about the B.C. singer-songwriter.

— A human rights tribunal learns of disgraceful, racially-divided conditions at a bush camp located between Revelstoke and Golden.

— Local liquor license holders weigh in on their ideas as part of a provincial liquor license reform process. By Alex Cooper

— Revelstoke’s sexual health clinic is doing well and offering the same great, confidential services after a name change. By Aaron Orlando

— How fast on the Trans-Canada around Revelstoke? The provincial transportation minister targets our local highways for higher speed limits.

— Learn about adventurer John Turk’s amazing and death defying adventures, and then go see his Revelstoke presentation. By Alex Cooper

— Local skiers Chris Rubens and Izzy Lynch are featured in ski film Into the Mind, which premieres here Friday. By Aaron Orlando

— Learn more about the Reach a Reader campaign in Revelstoke.

— The City of Revelstoke is doing a customer service survey. Learn more. By Aaron Orlando

— Three-pages of photos from the Cornucopia festival. By Aaron Orlando and Alex Cooper

— Fire Prevention Week message from chief Rob Girard.

— Kitchen safety is the focus of fire prevention week. Learn the tips to help prevent kitchen fires.

— Riley Creighton is a Revelstoke Grizzly and a volunteer firefighter. Learn about why he takes the time to help protect the community. By Alex Cooper

— Home for the Hunts program reaches a milestone this weekend. Learn more about the charity program.

— Revelstoke’s Local Food Charter is unveiled. By Alex Cooper

— The Revelstoke Grizzlies pull off some wins after a rough start to the season, including a win and a loss over the weekend. By Alex Cooper

— Our weekly Community Calendar is Revelstoke’s best, most comprehensive listing of must-see, must-do arts, entertainment and community events.

— The Province of British Columbia is putting the focus on integration for the developmentally disabled. Learn more about new policy explorations.

— Revelstoke hosted a cross country race last week. We’ve got the results and a photo. By Alex Cooper

— Last Spike. The grade eights hosted a tourney this weekend. Learn how they fared. By Alex Cooper


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