Supporters rallying to help cancer-stricken Merville man

It has only taken a few days to raise $1,316 for Merville resident Donald Playfair in his battle against cancer.

It has only taken a few days to raise $1,316 for Merville resident Donald Playfair in his battle against cancer.

His former Courtenay casino co-workers Lindsy McLaughlin, Sid Hamel and Barb Mills have initiated an online fundraising campaign to generate money for the 63-year-old, who is about to undergo a stem cell transplant at Vancouver General Hospital.

“He’s an absolutely amazing guy,” McLaughlin said, noting the benefits of social networking. “The feedback we’re getting is beautiful. You can’t say enough nice things about him.”

As of Tuesday, donations from 22 individuals totalled $1,316. The goal is to raise $5,500 to cover Playfair’s expenses after four months of treatment and recovery at hospital.

Playfair was diagnosed last fall with Myelodysplastic Syndrome, also known as pre-leukemia. While in hospital, he also needs to pay rent and bills at home. He lives on a monthly fixed income of about $1,500.

The campaign is through To donate, click on

Playfair’s niece, Tracy, who lives in Vancouver, has pledged to shave her head if the online campaign reaches $2,000 by the end of March.

In addition, Playtime Gaming Courtenay (Chances) at 361 Hunt Rd. is hosting a burger and beer fundraiser March 19 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $25, with $17.50 of each ticket donated to Playfair’s fund. Those wanting to sell tickets can talk to Justin at the casino.

Courtenay Return-It Depot at 493 Puntledge Rd. is also chipping in by donating proceeds from patrons wishing to help Playfair. Ask for account No. 277 or specify the money is for Dollars for Donny.


Comox Valley Record